Most recipes include active prep time and start to finish time. I pay attention to these times to achieve my goal of getting dinner on the table by eight. Tonight I decided to put these times (and my prep skills) to the test. I cooked
Pork, Mushroom, and Snow-Pea Stir-Fry from Gourmet's Quick Kitchen section while using my trusty stopwatch. This meal advertises an active time of 10 minutes, and 20 minutes from start to finish; but what times are we talking about for the cook that likes to drink a vodka tonic during preparation?
I started the clock and immediately got the rice steaming. Removing the strings from the Snow-Peas took the longes

t time, but luckily I have minced enough garlic to complete both preps in about five minutes. I moved to trimming the pork tenderloin--thankfully, a lean cut of meat--and sliced it. I didn't cut any corners

in the cooking process. I cooked the pork, then the snow-pea and garlic, followed by the mushrooms. By the time everything was cooked through and plated, we were looking at just over 30 minutes. I was well over the buzzer.
Now to the meal! Best of all pork ended up tender, while the veggies stayed crisp. The sauce, only flavored by teriyaki, was a bit weak. I snuck in some hoisin when nobody was looking to provide a much needed punch.
That is awesome. It is like Brandon's cross fit stuff, fifty pull-ups... for time. But it is cooking.
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